
Thursday, 25 March 2010

Double Page Spread Research

This is a double page spread from NME magazine. The main focus of this double page spread is the image of Lilly Allen' and the quote, which has been pulled out of the interview which she has featured in underneath the quote and image. The quote has been taken from an interview this is shown by it looking like newspaper cuttings. The colours used, are plain and simple. However it gives an good aspect on the double page spread because it is bright and eye catching, grabbing the readers attention. This works well as the colours are dull but the image of Lily Allen contains colour which draws your attention straight to her. The background of the double page spread is all white. The main image of Lily, is placed at the right hand side of the double page spread. The shot used of her is a medium shot, which shows Lily from her waist up. The way Lily is posing also suggests the attitude of the article, which in this case is her dominating the page, by Lily leaning forward towards the reader, shows she doesn't care about what people think or the opions they have on her. I think this magazine double page spread is very effective and works well. For my magazine i want to make the title or quote as eye catching as this, especially the idea of newspaper cuttings, this is a very successful idea.

This is a double page spread from the magazine, Vogue. I have used Vogue magazine in my research also for my front cover. This double page spread is very distinctive. This is because the image takes up most of the pages, which clearly means attention is drawn straight to it. The image itself, is very different with a black and white effect in what it looks like an apartment. I think the image taken is effective and does look very professional as everything is in contrast to it. The clothing that the model is wearing again is dark and then light, however we are unsure whether they were black and white clothes ordinarily as the effect could have been added to his clothes as well.The writing being on either side of the page i also thinks well, again it focuses all the readers attention on the image. The choice of colours have been effectie The dark grey background with the white text, makes the text stand out. However choosing dark grey instead of the obvious choice of black, looks better. I believe this is because black would have looked to harsh, and i think this page is supposed to look sutel even with the dark colours. From this magazine i really like the idea of the image being extremely dominating on the page, i think thsi could work well fro my magazine as it would show off Miss Valentine's personality as being a strong character. Also the colour choice works extremely well, but it does not look dull in anyway.

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